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History of OSU Art Exhibitions
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History of OSU Art Exhibitions
Topic: painting
100 Piece Student Art Display 1973
20th Century Russian Art
African American Art, 1989
Aprils Fine Arts 1964, 04-08
Architects show off art 1989
Architecture Art Exhibit
Art Faculty Exhibition ‘76
Art Moved for More Viewing NYC 1963
Art Show Set Sunday
Art Study-Display on the Human Body
Art Therapy Exhibition
Association to Exhibit Variety of Student Art 1989
B.J.Smith's Landscapes Exhibition
Black Art Exhibited
Black Paintings Student Union Theatre Exhibit 1969
Bloodgood Exhibition
Carol Boyd Reed Exhibit ‘75
Cecilia Jennings' Paintings Exhibition '77
Children's Art Show '77
Christopher Johns drawings, 1988
Cimarron National 1995
Cimarron National Works on Paper Exhibition 1989
Cletus Smith Exhibit '77
Colors Raw and Unblended: Style of Artist like A 'Draftsman'
Dallas Prints Show '76
Dean P. Bloodgood's Exhibition '77
Don Coen Film and Exhibit 1986
Ellen Murray: Painting Exhibition 1987
European and American Graphics
Exhibit Reopens Gallery
Faculty Art Exhibit '79
Faculty Art Exhibit 1974
Faculty Art Exhibition: Gardiner Reopening
Faculty's Art Show Opens New Gallery
Fall Student Art Exhibit '76
Figurative Works 1998
Fine Arts with Wayne Cozart: Art Exhibition on Campus Creates Artistic Atmosphere
Gardiner Hall Art Gallery (1971)
Gartland Exhibits In Union
Gayle Singer and Maxine Warren
Geneva H. Wise Exhibit ‘75
George and Elyse Bogart Color Focused Exhibition 1999
Georgian Lounge Student Union Theatre Exhibition 1969
Georgian Room Art Exhibit - 1965
Graphic Arts Exhibition - 1967
Honoring Women
J. Jay McVicker Paintings '77
J. Jay McVicker: Recent Paintings and Prints
James Riggs Collection
Jill Brumfield and David McKee: Paintings
K-State Art Display at Bartlett Center 1989
Kaleidoscope of Color Exhibit - 1967
Landscape Paintings by B.J. Smith 1974
Laurie Weller's Art Exhibition 1987
Local Store to Celebrate Grand Reopening 1995
Lyn Whitaker's Work Displayed 1964, 04-25
Miracles of Mexican Folk Art: Retablos and Ex-Votos
Modern Masters 1998
New Art Gallery Is No 'Surprise'
Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute Faculty Exhibition 1998
Oklahoma Indian Art League Exhibition 1973
Oklahoma State Summer Art Exhibit 1973
Old Buildings Featured in Art
OSU Art Department Faculty Exhibit 1999
OSU Art Faculty Exhibition 1988
OSU Artist's Work to be Shown at Exhibit 1995
OSU Faculty Art Show: 1980
OSU Students Open New Art Gallery 1986
OSU Studio Art Major Exhibit 1998
Painting and Printmaking
Paintings by A&M Art Faculty
Pretty OSU Art 1964, 01-21
Retrospective Exhibit of the Work by J. Jay McVicker 1995
Robert A. Nelson Art Exhibit
Sam Olkinetzky Exhibit ‘75
Steve Berman and Larry Webb Paintings Exhibit ‘75
Student Art Exhibition '76
Student Art Exhibition 1974
Student Art Invitational 1999
Student Art Showings '77
Student Artists Display
Student Show at Gardiner '79
Student Union Theatre Faculty Art Exhibit 1969
Styles, Techniques Praised in Reginal Art Exhibition
SUAB Art Display From Varied Regions 1973
Summer Session Student Exhibition ‘75
Suzanne Klotz-Reilly Presentation and Art Gallery 1986
Temporary Art
The Paintings of Jay Constantine
Time Affects Teacher's Art '76
Tongue Twisters '76
Tribute to Jacque Gallrein '76
Two-Man Exhibition
Variety Highlights Art Show '79
Warrington Colescott/Painting and Printmaking
Whitehurst Bloodgood Exhibit 1969
Whitehurst Tiemann Exhibit 1969
Whitehurst Watercolor Display 1969
Wilham Art Show 1973
Winter Faculty Art Show '76
Women's Faculty Exhibit '77
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